Tuesday, 11 November 2014

A Hammacher Schlemmer Ballpoint pen scanner with 5 Mega pixel

Posted by GK Photography

This type of Ballpoint pens are easily  scanning your documents,It contains high precision auto focus lens with 5 Mega pixel .This will be introduced by Hammacher Schlemmer.Hammacher Schlemmer is a retailer and mail order dealer .

The more technical aspects of the various technologies are used in this scanner pen.This is also called as an pen sized scanner.using this scanner pen we scanning the image documents with 2048 x 1536 mega pixel.The pixel size is very clear, in this regard shall be able to shoot 5MP capable .  It includes 1 GB internal memory with Camera.The rectangular red beam appears when you shoot through the documents. We hereby Scan the space to be able to identify accurately.once you Charged this scanner pen it we may able to take 300 pictures.It is notable that the voice recordings can be saved.Images can be transferred to a computer via the integrated USB plug that is accessed by twisting the pen apart And it Compatible with Mac OS X, Windows 8, 7, Vista, and XP

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