NASA space centre has discovered two large holes in sun atmosphere. Both two holes are Dark patches named as coronal holes. In difference between to two holes is that it’s occupied different location and various areas. One of the larger coronal holes it’s located in southern pole. It occupies 6 to 8 percent out of total surface. In miles distance covered by larger coronal hole is 142 billion miles. Another hole is located in nearly opposite side its occupy 3.8 billion square miles approximately 2 to 3 percent of total surface. These holes are captured by solar dynamics observatory (SDO).
About NASA Space Centre :
Since October 1, 1958, the government had implemented the official website for various applications such as scientific and technological achievements in human space flight, aeronautics, space science, and space applications named National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).Research about those applications can be viewed in NASA website.
Reason for find out hole?
To find out of space whether to locate holes are necessary. Inside the coronal hole where the magnetic field is large so the material flows faster than the outside area. The sun's magnetic field strength is twice as strong as Earth's field. So the speed of wind in coronal area can be compared to outside area nearly 500 miles (800 km) per second. Exactly its speed is twice.
In early 1970’s the NASA’s Skylab first located the coronal hole. In every 11 year the solar cycle can be change in the factor of size and number approximately observed by NASA scientists. Based on their assumption, now the holes can be closer to the sun surface. It’s located by SDO.
Importance of the Sun:
Sun and earth is more important to us .without the sun nobody lives in the earth, entire world surrounded by black because sun only gives light and heat to the earth. It also provides energy for plants to prepare for their food and also gives oxygen for living and non living things.
The sun is the heart of the solar system. It’s the largest star in solar system. Another important feature is that one of the renewable resources is sun using sun light we are getting the power used alternative to nowadays demand .Sun can also provide energy and electromagnetic radiation.
The sun has born 4.6 billion years ago. The temperature of the sun is 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit (5,500 degrees Celsius), driven by nuclear reactions. According to NASA the sun should produce the power 100 billion tons for every second. Nuclear fusion means at high temperature and pressure hydrogen atoms fuse to form atoms of helium. During nuclear fusion large amount of energy emitted. This energy travel to surface.
Benefits for sunlight:
Sunlight and whole foods send breast cancer into remission.
The sun's light kills bad bacteria.
Sunlight has a beneficial effect on skin disorders.
The sun's rays lower blood pressure.
Sunlight penetrates deep into the skin to cleanse the blood and blood vessels.
Sunlight builds the immune system.
Regular sunlight exposure increases the growth and height of children.
It also gives vitamin D.
Layers of sun:
The first layer of the Sun is called as chromospheres. In which layer most of the Sun and the brightest light blocked by the moon during solar eclipse.
Another part of Sun’s atmosphere named as solar transition region, its located between the chromospheres and outer part. Using telescope we can see the ultraviolet light.
The outer atmosphere of the Sun called as corona, compared to other layer it does occupy larger space in sun. The solar wind can be formed by the corona.
The coolest layer of the Sun named minimum temperature zone, it’s placed above the photosphere.
The thin outer atmosphere of the Sun known as helioshere.
Surface of the sun called as Photosphere. Earth can receive the light from the sun radiated through this layer.
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