How To Make Pendrive Bootable:
Hai buddies……today we are going to learn about How to make pendrive bootable with simple methods . In 21’st century all of us have aware of working in computer and laptop but some of them do not know about install of OS. We are only known about Installation OS using DVD or CD player only.Alternative method for installation of OS is using pendrive.Here one fo the features used like usb key.This key performs computer to computer file transfer without any networks.and copy your files from devices.In this installation of OS using pen drive is more compatible than DVD or CD and also takes less time for bootable. Now we are discuss and learn about install OS using External hardware such as usb drives (or) USB flash drive. Installation OS is not a lengthy process it’s simpler
- Windows DVD install Disk or ISO image
- Pen Drive(Minimum Size:4GB)
During Installation of OS all files and folder can be removed from your computer. So before installation make sure your files and data moved to safety location.
Steps for How to make pendrive Bootable:
Step 1:First you can insert pen drive in your system.
Step 2:Next you can open the command prompt window with administration right. (Short cut for opening CMD window shift+ctrl+Enter).
Step 3:After opening CMD window, just type Disk part in the prompt window.
Step 4:Next you need know disk details for partition of memory, type List disk inside the Disk part. (Disk part->local disk).This results shows list the disk details and memory space details.
Step 5:Now you are going to select disk using Select disk with number. (Ex: select disk 1, the number is not same for all; you can choose pen drive location)
Step 6:After selecting disk now we are going to clean the disk just type clean in cmd window.
Step 7:And then type following commands and gets response for each command.
- Select disk
- Create partition primary
- Select partition 1
- Active
- Format FS=NTFS
- Assign
- Exit
Step 8: Next moving to my computer locates the drive letter for windows DVD (location of DVD: D and pen drive location of pen drive E).
Step 9: Open the command prompt again go to the directory d type cd boot.
Step 10: Now we are create boot sector file in USB drive type the command BOOTSECT.EXEC/NT60E
Next copy all the files from DVD to pen drive. All the above steps finished the pen drive ready to bootable.
Finally the Above procedure says how to make pendrive bootable and how to install operating systems to your system with usb disk and usb drives and also flash drives.
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