Saturday, 14 November 2015

The Android App Will Replying An Automatic Text Sms To Callers While You Are In Driving

Posted by GK Photography
Automatic Text,free sms text messages ,auto reply sms 170 sms reply

Hi, friends today we are going to discuss the more important android application. The main Moto of the application is to describe how to send the automatic text message alert to out android mobile. Assume that you will be in driving by bike or a car, at that time someone calling you while driving. Some people may attend the call while driving, so it's more dangerous at the time of driving. So you may think that time, how to respond at the time of driving? At that time, this great app Auto SMS will help you. This sends the automatic text message to someone who calling you at this situation. This App also enables to applying the more number of busy situations like meeting, driving, playing games etc.Using this message free apps, you can send the message automatically or send missed calls or send a reply message to anyone without touching your mobile phone. It’s more useful and amazing app for our day life. But most of the people not aware of this app so, I will show you what are the option available, how to send the automatic text message and auto reply in detail using Auto Sms apps.

Option available in AutoSms app Sending automatic text:

Automatic Text,free sms text messages ,auto reply sms 170 sms reply

The wonderful AutoSms app that has consists of four important and useful features while we are busy. Now we are discussing the features of the message free AutoSms apps.
o Auto reply
o Schedule SMS
o Instant SMS
o Reader

Auto Reply:

The AutoSMS android apps that have many options. The first option is Auto Reply Sms. First you can install the Auto SMS app in your android mobile. After successful installation, you have to enable the profile setting. The apps that consist of plenty of profiles you would like to set the auto-reply settings to any profile.  Consider you are in meetings at that time the call or text came from someone means, you cannot respond a call or message. For this situation the Auto SMS apps helpful for turning  the Meeting profile automatically at this duration of this meeting (length of meeting time). It will  automatically send auto reply “They are in meeting and can’t respond” to who call or text you 
Automatic Text,free sms text messages ,auto reply sms 170 sms reply

Schedule SMS& Instant SMS:

The next option available in the AutoSMS application for android mobile is Schedule and Instant SMS. We know what is Scheduling. Scheduling is the method to set previously, that means you can set the message to which user at what date, hours, and what time the message reached to that specific user. For an example, you can send the birthday wishes to anyone you can type the text and set the time and date and all details predefined. Just you to touch the contacts the message instantly sending an automatic text to the user. And also the text message saved in your mobile phone you will use the text in future. An additional feature of this apps is you would like to send the message any number of time (more than once).You can set the time interval the text will reach instantly.
Automatic Text,free sms text messages ,auto reply sms 170 sms reply


The last more interesting option available for sending an automatic text is Read loudly. Assume you are in driving by bike or car, you cannot see the message at these situations the reader options will helpful for you. Just enable the reader option, the text message converted into speech. That means the reader option read the message with loudly, which helpful to avoid lookup time save your life.


Today I am sharing the AutoSMS apps helpful for sending an automatic text message to anyone without touching in your mobile phone. I think the given app are more useful to all of us by sending a free text message when you are busy. Don’t waste your time instantly go to install the apps will get more benefits.


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