We know about the Microsoft windows phone has an more number of features and Plenty of useful apps.the most important feature is backup.in our windows phone it's automatically backup your all data like contacts, our photos,videos,calendar notifications,word documents etc.,you can download these all data in your system itself.but before that you must create a Microsoft email account (outlook.com)first.most of the new users may not know about this type of backup.Here i will show you some simple steps for how to create a Microsoft email account and where you collect from your data from your Microsoft account.
What is the necessary for create a Microsoft email account ?
I already mention for the first reason is back up.Another one important thing is suppose if you have lost your mobile phone, you can retrieve all the data like contacts, our photos,videos,calendar notifications,word documents to your system without loss any data.which means the information can be stored in another alternate location(cloud storage) you can obtained when you want that particulars.your device is damage and any other problem your mobile data stored in automatically to that cloud for that purpose you must create a Microsoft email account for restore your phone backup.
Simple steps for create a Microsoft email account:
Step 1:Go to settings option, choose email+ accounts option.
Step 2: After choosing the email accounts you can view the three options available here. If you are create a new account you will choose add an account option.
Step 3: Now we are creating outlook.com account, so choose outlook.com option.
Step 4: After choosing outlook.com, the sign in page will appear. You are already registered directly given to name and password. In case you are a new user please select sign up now option for creating account.
Step 5: Here you will enter your information submitting create account option the Microsoft account created successfully.
After create a Microsoft email account all your contacts stored in outlook cloud, the amazing feature in windows phones is when you taking photos with your mobile camera it will automatically upload to the one drive but at that time our data connection will be on .then your word documents also stored in that cloud storage.
How to view the contacts, photos, calendar and document from outlook.com?
Step 1:Open the browser just type the outlook, click on the first hyperlink following page will be appear.
Step 2:Now you can enter your email id and password click on sign in button. After sign in you are forwarded to your email account from this page go and click the left corner of the icon like as follows
Step 3:Next you can click left corner button following icon will be shown .Now you can see people, calendar, one drive, word files etc.
Step 4: Contacts:Now we are seen windows phone contact backup. You want the contacts from your stored mobile. Just click the people image all the stored contacts will be listed in left side
Step 5: Calendar: All of the people can note friends birthday, marriage any important notes can be noted into calendar now I will show how to view the calendar data from cloud storage. Just click the calendar icon the page will be shown
Step 6: One drive: How to view the images from storage icon? It’s very simple in first row fourth image one drive that location your pictures stored. You will click the one drive you can see the stored images.
Step 7: Documents: Same as you want view the documents click on word image you will see the file.
Finally we learned about how to create a Microsoft email account and how to view and retrieve the data from outlook.com its more useful for all of us. You can try it now...
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